100 years

Baby sweet baby
Won’t you please
Come on back home to me
I’ve been so lonely
These few days feel like
A hundred years

Arnav swallowed and looked away. What, was he supposed to play the jailer to his wife and son and tell her that no, they were not allowed to go home to see her parents? He looked away from Nani who was sulking over her great-grandchild having gone for a week. Mami was unhappy and shooting him daggers with her eyes. Anjali di was sighing like a heroine from old Georgette Heyer novels (Yes, of course, he read them. He was stuck in a freaking school up in the highlands for the majority of his adolescence, miles away from civilization. All he had was the library, could people stop judging him for his reading preference? It was sexist). Akaash was looking at him sadly like he had put the man on a fast. Was he supposed to control Akaash’s life too? Their wives were sisters. Of course, they were going to go to Lucknow together. How was this his fault too? Clearly, Akaash didn’t have enough to do at work. Maybe he could create some for him. If he had the time to mope, he had the time to work some more.

Arnav hadn’t been able to stomach his dinner, everything was sour or bland like licorice. Were the Prakash brothers losing their touch? How could the food taste so terrible? He considered yelling, just for the sake of normalcy but then put down his spoon and sighed. Yes, he missed them too. Khushi was his wife. Yes, she brought light to everyone else’s lives, but she encompassed his. Wasn’t that obvious for the world to see? Aarav was his child. How was it so hard to understand that he too was capable of missing those he loved the most? Why would he deny anything to the one he held most dear? He had eaten just enough so there wouldn’t be a hypoglycemic shock. The last thing he needed was to force his wife to come back home, off the back of a guilt trip. It was just a week. If he could make do, why couldn’t they?

Baby sweet baby I’ve been waiting
Seem like waiting is all I do
Don’t say you won’t come back to me
And make me have to go out chasing after you

Here he was, thinking of a flight to Lucknow. Just a couple of hours and he’d be there. He could stay and just enjoy his in-laws company, watch Khushi bloom differently, in a way only Lucknow could do for her. Watch Aarav munch on sweets especially made by his nana and nani. Arnav had been fearful that Aarav too would be born with type 1 diabetes, the way he had been. His son had been born healthy, happy and in 99 percentile in weight. Arnav had been so happy, he had cried. Now, one of his pleasures was watching his son eat sweet things, in a way he had never been able to.

He’d caress her cheeks, to see if they were still as silky as the last time he had touched her. He would feel the grooves of her lips as they quirked up in a smile. He would…not go. This was one of the rare times Khushi got his time away from the insanity of Shantivan. He wouldn’t take that away from her.

Called everyone in town
I think you know
So come on now
Come on come on
Back home

Arnav had been reading Paulo Cohelo’s Aleph, his fingers itching to dial her numbers but refraining, when his phone rang. It was too late for a work call but he still flipped it over. Khushi.

Arnav answered, unsure why his throat was closing up.

“Hello? Hello, Arnavji? Can you hear me?”

He cleared his throat. “I can hear you Khushi,”

“Good! The network here isn’t great. How are you?”

“A little miserable but I’ll get by,”

He heard the bells peal as she laughed.

“Just three more days Arnavji, I’m all yours again,”

He smiled.

“I miss you Khushi,”

He could hear her smile through the telephone,

“More than you miss Amanji when we go away sometimes?”

He couldn’t stop himself from grinning.

“Even more than that,”

The bells pealed again.

“Goodnight Arnavji, please eat properly tomorrow, or else I’ll worry,”

he laughingly agreed before hanging up. He wasn’t sure who told but he wasn’t all that worried. It wasn’t as bleaked when she spoke her magic.

Here I am I’m knowing
That I would do most anything
If you keep on loving me baby

A/N: Hello, I know. It’s been a while. Life keeps getting in the way of everything I want to do. However, I hope you have been keeping well. That joys surrounded you, and troubles didn’t cross your path.

NB: Song’s 100 years by Tracy Chapman


45 thoughts on “100 years

  1. Wow what a poignant little shot. Loved it. I absolutely love the way you portray Arnav. Oh and I would dance like a lunatic, if you finish the games we play and shades of grey !! Just putting it out there. Maybe the universe will listen :))

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much for reading it so fast! you are very kind. I think my main challenge with Games is i wrote it when I was very young – Games is close to 10 years old now 😛 The girl who wrote is fresh out of teens is not me, and I’m having a challenging time rereading it. Since you put it out with the universe, hopefully you’ll manifest my writing skills back to me ❤ thank you ❤

      Liked by 2 people

  2. What a lovely story. Arnav missed Khushi and his son Arav. You described his longing beautifully. Khushi’s one call and it all becomes bearable. His Khushi will be back soon.
    Thank you, bingala, lovely to hear from you. Take care.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Aawww…so lovely! This Arnav is a much mellowed version than the ones we have seen! Gone are the days when he would demand that Khushi come back, temper flaring, teeth gritting – angry that she could even think of staying away from him. He still pines for her though, in a way that is so quintessentially Arnav but this avatar can not only restrain himself from storming to Lucknow to drag her back but can also understand her need to be with her Amma & Babuji for a short while….

    His Di was right…saasein ruk jaati hain Khushi ke bina…but what to do?!

    Beautiful B! I would also love to be able to read Games we play sometime…Hopefully soon! 🙂
    Love you & I hope you are keeping well.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I hadn’t thought of that quote in such a long time! It’s true when it comes to them huh? 🙂
      I am so glad you’re enjoying it. I keep telling myself I need to make time to work on Games but it’s an undertaking because I forgot it all! Trying to make time for something so self-indulgent with every other responsibility become a little challenging 😛

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Lovely snippets of adorable Arnav … I love the way you light up this character and others too ….

    Please please pretty please …. think about finishing fifty shades …. have been in love with that master piece of yours . I really wish that u would want to finish it…..

    Liked by 2 people

    • oh wow. I would like to but it’s also not likely? i honestly don’t have much time at all 😦 Which is why most of these are so small and in far in between. I honestly would love to make that time again 😦

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yeah understand the time constraints …. never mind , thanks for writing again and giving us these small fresh breathers …. I would placate myself with these and not leave the hope that one day u shall have the heart and time to continue 😊


  5. U alwayz come up with happy & full of heart OS.. In these times, its like fresh air which alwayz left a smile. This Arnav is so normal, as much as he can b😉, missing biwi & beta & stopping himself from going after them. I find reaction of whole family very entertaining but i guess when both DIL went away together toh itna drama toh banta hai.. Arnav recognizing difference between lko wali khushi & shantivan wali was awwww. He knows she is totally different in her hometown, which i guess is true for most married women ☺️.. Keep on giving these breathers, they r😍😍

    Liked by 3 people

  6. So much said in such a perfect short story. So good to know Aarav has escaped diabetes and Arnav’s quiet happiness is touching. A small thing like w child enjoying sweets gives such immense happiness.

    Love this caring father. Arnav has finally left his angst behind. Yet he remains his suave self.


    • Because i was reading my grandmother’s Georgette Heyer and Barbara Cartland books as pre-teens. So much that i demanded to have new editions of all the book in my library 😂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Miss .B
    Just a heartwarming tale on our most fav couple
    Aarav bach gayi, 🤩& he has sweet tooth like mamma
    Hope he gets to eat Nana ‘s other sweets like Makhan malai & Shahi tukda, kulfi falooda

    Awww, my sweeto missing biwi & beta
    The joy a girl gets when she returns to her maike as a married woman
    is indescribable 😀🤣
    Her kid is treated like shakshat bhagwan
    Arnav knows that , his kh blooms differently in Lucknow
    so waits patiently for her to contact him
    May be he has mellowed
    We love the angry / passive , young / older Arnav , the way he is 💋
    Prakash brothers still working for Raizadas
    Pity them 🤭🥴
    Thanks B for entertaining us in these trying times 👍🏼
    Cheers 🍻

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Beautiful OS

    Loved how you showed Arnav’s longing for his wife and son who went to Lucknow and it all took one phone call from Khushi which made him accept the longing and will be waiting for them to come back home.



  9. Arnav is so different and loving ! He is truly content with his life now .Khushi and Arav have contributed to the happiness quotient of Raizadas. Arnav has learned to prioritize Khushi’s need first and resisted the temptation of catching that flight to Lucknow. Wow.


  10. Wow. Such a heartwarming glimpse of their life. True soulmates. Depth of their relationship gives warm fuzzy feeling. If it happens in reality— feels like i will be too overwhelmed to react. Beautiful as always.


  11. Hi Bingala ..very heart warming and a lovely OS…you are a magical writer..Brings out the beauty of true love that Arnav has for his Kushi and Aarav…Eagerly waiting for many more of such wonderful stories…No hatred,no anger,no drama but only love…


  12. Raizada’s bhi na.. sahi hain.. ab Khushi apne bete ko lekar mayke bhi na jaye.. but felt nice to see such changed Arnav.. he is too missing his Khushi and their Aarav but just for Khushi’s happiness he is counting day of her coming back.. loved it.. Awesome.. Thanks Bingala for such an amazingly awesome one shots you are keep sharing.. Gratitude ❤


  13. I loved it because it showed the man Arnav has become. Not the one going after his wife to demand/request to come back to Shantivan but truly a man in love who understands how important Lucknow and her family is for her.


  14. Mujhe bhi saanse rukh jaane wali pyaar chahiye dammit! Minus the melodrama of ASR. If we could go straight to Arnav that would be preferable. Overnight shipping too if that can be managed.



  15. Hello Bingala,

    I just finished “The Games We Play” and I must say, you have taken the angst, slightly unhinged Arnav of the TV series and given him the soul of a beautiful man with poetry, music (such lovely music that it is half my playlist), and complexes of someone so real. His highland education and background are so meticulously crafted, the romance so poignant….you slay us ma’am. From sports car analogy to small details of the family, the detective…you write with such credibility, I wish you published something and I could purchase it, really! This perfection isn’t just fanfiction…this is another, full story.

    How do you have so much talent? It boggles me, and this isn’t a rhetorical question! I have savored the story much like NK lives life and eats his ice cream cone, in huge bites. And thank you, we have these bites of One-Shots to nibble away at to somehow fill in the voids life leaves us with.

    To confess, I had read this story maybe half a decade ago and bookmarked it and these were the days I needed some good, whimsical romance, like Arnav and Khushi, I wanted to disappear and conspire away at night and win at poker and drive a car…you made Khushi into a naive, adorable, in the moment character….redeemed her so wonderfully, made us believe that…yes, this Arnav and this Khushi can live together happily.

    Thank you for the songs, thanks a lot….the fact that I discover them through you makes me 100% sure that I will enjoy them! May I ask you what are your top 10 favorite books (fiction and non-fiction)? A writer like you…I just know…you read a lot! I would love to know this.

    Much love,


  16. Hi Bingala,

    It’s an absolute pleasure to have met you through your words. I’ve spent the last 3 odd days lost in your writing even with lockdowns and work from home looming over my head.
    It has been a very fascinating journey, starting with Shades of Grey (i really wish you finish it one day) and the The Games we Play and the series of One Shots that followed: although they seemed like a continuous story in themselves.
    I love the poetry and purity in your words. The outpouring of emotions in the simplest of ways and the realness of feelings.
    I pray you never stop writing as any ardent fan would. But I’d take whatever you deign to bless us with.
    Much love,


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